Sunday, January 11, 2009


I have decided that I have only one resolution, or change, I would like to make for 2009.  I would like to try to simplify my life as much as possible.  By doing this one thing, I am hoping that all the other changes I would like to make in my life will follow as a result.  Some of these things may seem trivial to you, but I know they will make a difference.  I was inspired by my friends Cody and Jeannie, who did this a few years ago.  They simplified their lives to a higher level than I plan to, but I was so impressed by how much it changed their lives for the better.  I am going to start with the smaller things and work my way up.

1.  I will use everything I have before I buy another.  Really, how many lotions or hair care products do I need?  This also applies to cleaning products, food, and other toiletries.

2.  Only keep the things I really use.  I have already started working on this.  I have seven bags full of clothes and household products for the charity truck to take this Wednesday.  I need to clean out our closets and storage areas quarterly instead of once per year.  

3.  Say no to more things.  I am constantly feeling stressed and guilty because of my lack of time.  I need to learn to be more discriminating about the commitments I make.  Between my jobs, volunteer group, and church, I often feel overwhelmed.  This sometimes takes away from family and personal time, and I hate that.  It's ok to say "no thanks" once in a while.

4.  Cook simpler meals.  My personal tastes tend to lean toward the more complicated recipes with tons of ingredients.  I don't need to make gourmet meals in order for them to be good.

If I can accomplish these four things this year, I will consider this experiment a success.  I might even take it to a higher level next year.



Jackie Blum said...

Good for you! And I can really relate to you on the meal prep front. I also love the more complicated recipes, plus it doesn't help that I love to cook. So I used to find myself in the kitchen for an hour plus on weeknights just to put dinner on the table. Granted, they were yummy dinners, but I hardly have that kind of time anymore. So the other night, Stefan grilled some chicken breasts I had marinated in Italian dressing. We ate that with a salad and dinner rolls from the freezer. It was delicious and took no more than 10 minutes to prepare. I have resolved to pull out the cookbooks only on weekends. Oh, and there is this great cookbook called The Dinner Doctor by Anne Byrn, and it's filled with tons of great quick dinners. I refer to it often.

Good luck on simplifying! There are 7 - yes, 7! - tubes of lotion on my bathroom vanity alone. Maybe I should follow in your footsteps.

Unknown said...

These are great. Simplifying is definitely a good thing.

breanna said...


if there are shoes, or purses or wallets or jewelry, scarves or other size irrelevant items, I CALL DIBS and will pay shipping.

i'm just saying.

and also, good for you. i've heard it said 'tis a gift to be simple. can't imagine you'd regret it.

Candice said...

Maybe one exception to your de-cluttering goal could be toilet paper. You REALLY don't want to run out of t.p.

Or maybe you do, what do I know?

Leigh Ann said...
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Anonymous said...

I am totally with you on this! I want to simplify my life so much that I'm thinking about renting out my large townhouse and buying a smaller condo - with only ONE bedroom and ONE bathroom. It's just too much for me. And I swear, I keep getting rid of stuff - but I still have too much of it.

You have definitely inspired me with the idea to use something before you buy more of it - I have TONS of lotions under my sink. Thanks, Lo!