Ok, so I decided a while ago that I wouldn't post any more pictures of myself on my blog, but apparently I can't stick with one decision. Had to post these, they were too funny. Besides, I didn't want you all to think that I still looked like the middle school girl described in my previous post. I finally grew into myself. These were both taken a couple of weeks ago when we attended the Black & White Ball.

I would just like everyone to observe in this photo how pissed off Brandon is that he has to wear a tie. Not to mention that my mom made us pose for photos like we were going to to prom. Yes, Brandon was my senior prom date many years ago, so he feels like he has paid is dues with the whole mom-makes-us-pose-for-a-picture-when-we're-dressed-up deal.

This is a picture of me and my dad -- who we have already established is NOT gay. I guess he wanted to get in on the picture action, even though he wasn't dressed up. Maybe his mom never took pictures of his prom.
You shouldn't have posted the picture with your dad. Now we know for sure he is gay. Don't let him blame that on me like he does every thing else. I will still love him even if he is gay.
Poor Brandon, he does look a little miserable in that tie. How are things going with the new house?
You both do a great job on you Blogs.
Rick, nice to see you finally commented instead of just lurking around our blogs. I knew you were there the whole time!
For all the readers who don't know, Rick is my dad's big brother. That should fully explain his comment.
I'll be there as soon as I get off work, so probably around 6:30ish. Pizza is on us, so don't worry about dinner. We'll be at the Shepherd's house tonight, will you guys be there? We can talk about it then.
your hair color is beautiful!
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