I was watching Oprah the other day and they had an episode on motherhood that had me laughing the whole way through. Confessions from real moms:
"I once made my kids lunch with snacks entirely from my car."
"I didn't bathe my twins for three weeks - I figured the hot-tub would take care of it."
"Nobody told me little boys wake up with woodies. I was freaked out one morning when I came in to get them and they were all pointing at me!"
"I went without diapers for three days using only maxi-pads and duct tape."
It was a great show. First, it made me feel like a really good mom, knowing that I'm not the only one who makes mistakes and doesn't know what in the hell I'm doing. Second, these women came from all walks of life: some working, some young, some with one child, some with several (one had seven!).
My confessions:
When Nate was seven months old we visited Tulsa with him for the first time. I realized early the next morning that we were out of diapers. While BSC ran to the store to get some, Nathan totally ruined his current diaper, leaving us with nothing. Turns out that my MIL had some doggie diapers, which actually worked quite well minus the hole in the back for the tail.
On more than one occasion, Nathan and I have eaten ice-cream for lunch.
One day I let him watch TV ... all day.
I know there are more, these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I wish I would have saved that episode of Oprah so I could watch it every once in a while. It's good to see women totally let down their guard and talk about their total (and often hilarious) falters with child-rearing.
Let's hear it for the moms!

that is awesome!
So, this confession is more about me than my kid...last winter, we were stuck on a highway in a snowstorm and could not even open our car doors for the snow and a semi parked next to us...we sat there for over 3 hours! Mama REALLY needed to pee...couldn't get out...no container other than a bottle...that wasn't an option...plenty of diapers, though...yep, Mama peed in a diaper (actually, 2 diapers because they do not hold as much as you might think)
Thanks for the huge laugh about the dog diaper!
That's awesome!
I have totally farted and blamed it on my kids - on more than one occasion! One time we were at my MIL's house and I had gotten to the point where I was very ready to go home but they just kept talking and talking. I pinched Oscar in the leg and when he started screaming I said he was just tired and needed to head home.
I'm sure there are a ton more that I'm going to think of now!!
The first week I was home with Anthony was rough. I was taking care of his circ and ran out of gauze to put on his willy to keep it from sticking to the diaper. I cut up old panty liners and stuck them to his diaper as a quick fix until I got some more. I actually took him to a doc appointment like this as well. OOPS!! All the nurse did was look at me funny.
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