Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This and that

Sorry for the increased absence, my mind has been here lately. If you know anything about my husband's family history, you'll understand why it's easy to become wrapped up in sympathetic thoughts for my sister's in-laws.

On a much lighter note, I thought I'd share one of my recipes with you. It's easy and fast. I don't have a name for it, so feel free to give suggestions.


1 bag of frozen boneless, skinless chicken breast tenderloins
1 1/2 cups Balsamic Vinaigrette
1 1/2 cups Italian Dressing
Bag of pasta (your choice, I use linguine)
Package of dried gourmet mushrooms (usually in the same section as the fresh herbs)
Fresh mozzarella balls
Fresh Basil, chopped
Green onions, chopped

Marinate the frozen chicken in the dressings until chicken is thaw (not in the refrigerator). When thaw, cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, reserving the marinade. Cook the chicken pieces for 2-3 minutes, add marinade and bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes then reduce to a simmer. Add dried mushrooms. Simmer until liquid is reduced by half. Cook pasta to your desired firmness and drain. Combine pasta with chicken and sauce. Add basil, onions, mozzarella and toss to combine. Serve in pasta bowls and sprinkle with feta. Great if accompanied with a spinach salad or topped with chopped, steamed asparagus.



SandGs Mom said...

P.S. Do not eat entire asparagus stalk. Leave bottom 2 inches. :)
Sounds good. When should we come over to try this?

Candice said...

Sounds delicious! I'm definitely going to try it.