Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sick and Tired

That's what I am. Sick. Tired. Miserable. Not being able to do anything is torture for me. I'm missing a birthday party tonight because all I can do is lay on the couch. There's even clutter around me that I can't muster the energy to clean. I'm not quite sure what I have, it may have something to do with the Greek food I ate last night. Oh the stomach pain, oh the headache! Blahhhhhhhh. I woke up at 5:00 this morning feeling like this, I hope it's gone tomorrow. Please make it go away by tomorrow!



gayle said...

That is THE WORST! I hope you feel better, Loo!!!

Jacquie said...

Are you pregnant ;)?

Allison Connor said...

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I hope you are already back to normal, but if not feel better soon!

rebecca marie said...

dreadful sorry, clementine.