I also had quite a humorous feeling when I pulled up to the house. I saw three white men in suits walking out our front door with black name-tags attached to their crisp white shirts. Immediately I knew who they were. MORMON MISSIONARIES! Yep, took them less than a month to track us down. We were visited by two missionaries and their daddy (I don't know what they call him, but it was an older man who drove them over to our house). I wasn't privy to the conversation that took place, but my immediate reaction was a bit of panic, not knowing what my very out-spoken husband had just said to them. I'm not one who enjoys visiting with the missionaries, but at the same time I don't want to be out-right rude and turn the entire neighborhood against us. Who knows, we may never get picked for the Phantom Pumpkin, or Secret Santa circling the neighborhood. And that, my friends, would truly break my heart (notice the sarcasm).

The husband says he already has plans for the missionaries. Remember the big hole in our backyard? Let me refresh: The original owners of the house had an above-ground pool. They filled a huge circle of the backyard with sand to support such a pool. The next owners never did anything with the cirlce, just left it. Now it's our turn to deal with the sand circle. But then again, maybe it's not, maybe it's a job for the missionaries! BSC's already devised a plan to get them all out to our house on their "work day" with shovels in-hand to dig out the sand so we can seed it and have a decent-looking backyard. We'll see if it actually happens. Maybe our payment for such work is devoting our souls and 10% of our paycheck to their church. Will they come after us if we don't? What would happen if I offered them a cool drink while working so hard on the sand circle and came back out with a six pack of beer? Will Brandon embarrass me by trying to engage them in conversations about what he likes to call "the magical mormon underwear?" Hmmmmm, we'll just have to wait and see.
lol! their "daddy" was likely their mission president. they had probably heard that some non-believers had just moved into the neighborhood and thought it would be best to take someone high on the totem pole. by the way, can you imagine how boring and easy it would be to serve a mission in utah? please. they would probably welcome helping you with your pool just so they have something to do!
My cousin is serving in Utah. He's from Canada, so techinically this is a foregin mission.
I'd totally get the missionary's to do your dirty work, they are good for it. But you will pay in the long run, you'll have every new missionary in the area knocking on your door for the next 30 years because will want to be the ones to bring you to the fold.
i'd LOVE to see their faces when you offered them a beer!!!
We're still debating whether or not to use them for their free labor. I'm not sure if sacrificing our privacy from the mormon church is worth it. But then again, I'm NOT going to be the one to dig out that hole. It's too big and I have no arm muscles. Maybe I can rent one of those huge machines to do it ... that might be kinda fun!
you think bsc will let you drive it?
rocky would love to dig stuff, especially if you get him a big tool for it!
Yeah, if you do something like that...you are just low
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