Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Stuff that Sucks

I just don't understand it. How can people be so stupid? Why do they have to annoy me so? I'm usually the +positive+ thinker; the one who gives people the benefit of the doubt, the person who looks for the good side in people.

But I've had it.

I can't hold it in any longer. I have to vent to someone, and it may as well be you. If you get behind the wheel of a car and you live in Utah, for some weird reason all rationality and common sense goes out the window. I drive plenty on the roads and highways of this city. I have a 30-40 minute commute to and from work (all depending on traffic). So each year I spend approximately 11 full days in my car driving in rush hour traffic.


There are a few things that the rest of the country learned in drivers ed, which apparently are not taught in this state. Let me go over a few of the basic rules so next time you decide to take your car for a spin, you won't put me and the rest of the state in danger.

1. Turn signal - USE IT! How freaking lazy are you that you can't push down a stupid little handle for a few seconds? They've even made it so easy so that when you turn, the signal automatically turns off ... what a concept! A turn signal! Cars have these for a reason, it is THE LAW for a reason. Use them, or I will write down your license plate number, find your home address and toilet paper your house until you decide that you're not too lazy to use your turn signal.
2. Lane Changes - If you see that you are in a lane on I-15 that will eventually make you exit onto 215, but you want to stay on I-15, give yourself ample time to get into a lane which is not "EXIT ONLY." Don't drive in that lane until the last second, then swerve over to the left making a triple lane change to avoid being forced onto 215. What you don't see is the giant wreck you caused because you didn't follow rule #1 or #2.
3. Space - When I am sitting at a stop light, please DO NOT stop your car as close to me as possible. Don't you realize how annoying it is to see your ugly face in my rearview mirror while you pick your nose? When I inch forward to give myself some room, don't inch forward with me! You won't get to work any faster, you won't miss the light, but what you will end up doing is inching so close that you give my beautiful new car a nice sized ding on the bumper. It's called personal space, please allow me to use mine.
4. Hang up your phone - I don't care if you think you can drive and talk on your phone at the same time, YOU CAN'T. Use of the cell phone is the main reason that rules #1, #2 and #3 are broken. You want to know why? Because instead of paying attention to the road, you are so involved in your conversation with Aunt Clara about who's going to bring the rolls to Family Home Evening that you completely ignore the fact that you could possibly kill someone in your huge SUV.
5. Running red lights - I have never seen so many people run red lights in my entire life. When the light turns yellow STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The light turning yellow does not mean "speed up." It means: caution, stop. If I happen to go through a light when it turns yellow I'm always amazed to see the five cars behind me went as well. The first two cars were probably ok, cutting it close, but ok. The last three cars blatantly ran that red light. I don't think people realize how dangerous this is. I've never seen people run red lights like they do here in Utah. Come one people! Even a three year old knows that red means stop and green means go.

Please, please, please. I'm begging all of the drivers out there to follow these simple rules. They're not hard, they could save my life or yours. My blood pressure rises every time I get in my car to drive to or from work because of all the dummy drivers out there. I just can't stand it anymore!


gayle said...

AMEN! Just becoming a fellow commuter (from Fort Worth to Dallas each day), I hear you. Most people suck at driving. If people would quit being so selfish and pay attention to what they were doing, traffic would be fine. Ugh. Don't let ME get started now...

Bsoholic said...

You said it! People here in Nashville suck at driving too. The concept of proper merging is non-exsistant.

Also when someone is doing 45 in the fast lane of the interstate (speed limit 70) - drives me insane!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree!!! Lori - I'm in training this week.......I was dying laughing while reading and agreeing with your comments!!! AMEN!! P.S. - Besides driving I hope things are going well with you!!

LoriLoo310 said...

Gayle - So glad someone agrees with me ... you and I are totally on the same wavelength

bsoholic - I forgot to mention the fact that nobody here even pays attention to the fact that there's a fast lane. Come on people!

Jenny - So glad you stopped by my blog! Things are going really well with Brandon and I, how's training going?

Cody - You know what I'm talking about ... don't you dare go to the dark side. You will be automatically considered a Utahn if you pick your nose while running a red light. I could never forgive you for that. I would have to stop being your friend and I Jeannie might just have to kick your ass too ... Kung Fu style.

Anonymous said...

I went to college with a girl that took Drivers Ed in Utah. I was driving with her one time and finally had to tell her to get over into the slow lane if she's going to putt-putt in the fast lane. She was like: "What do you mean fast lane?" THEY DON'T TEACH IT HERE!

Utahn's think that there are just two lanes. Not that one is the fast and one is the slow. They are oblivious to other people on the road. I think my head might explode when I see two cars side-by-side going the same speed while there are 15 cars behind the one in the fast lane.

You also didn't mention how Utahn's don't understand how to work their cruise control and how they can't keep a set speed. They also get pissed if you try to pass them and speed up. Bastards!!!!!

tabitha jane said...

my peeve (i only drive 20 minutes to work and 20 back, but still i have peeves) is this: learn to use a friggin roundabout! when the sign says "right lane must turn right" don't stay in the right lane, cruise ahead of everyone in the left lane and then at the last second try to squeeze into the left lane in front of everyone you just sped past, making me wait behind you when all i want to do is turn right rather than go around the roundabout. jerk.

i have selfish drivers.

but i do have to admit that i drive like an airhead sometimes and have probably pissed people off plenty of times.

LoriLoo310 said...

I've changed my name cause some people seem to think that I'm a guy ... no senor, I'm the girliest girl of all girls. SO THERE!

Nytro - My sister took drivers ed here ... she's as crazy as they come. Don't ever get in a car with her.

Mollie - I cheated on my shopping probation today!

Tabitha - Couldn't agree more, same thing when people know that their lane is going to end, but they refuse to be courteous and merge into traffic. They insist on driving in that lane until the very last second ... BASTARDS!

LoriLoo310 said...

I went to the Nordstrom sale ... they had SO much good stuff. But I stayed good and only bought a bathing suit. I needed a one-piece to go water skiing. Two-pieces never seem to stay on.

Nici said...

What are you talking about? I am not a bad driver! What makes you say that???????

LoriLoo310 said...

Hahaha! I knew you'd freak out over that. I was just making fun of you cause you're the only one I know who took drivers ed here and we're bashing on the Utah driving system. I'm just poking fun at my big sister!

Scrapping Dani said...

OK I am a late driver. I am 29 years old and just this past Friday I got my drivers license. Yes you heard me right. I had my drivers permit when I was 18 but living in Ca. at the time made me scared to drive PLUS the fact that my Mom is a terrible driving teacher. I failed the drivers test and well I am afraid of failer so I never went back to get my license again until now. Anyway....I love driving now and am VERY anal about going the speed limit. IT IS THERE FOR A REASON PEOPLE. So I get stares and all and people pass me because I am obeying the law. Let me just add in that I HATE the sun. I was heading back home from the grocery store last night and turned into the turn lane to turn left. I have a arrow to direct me to turn. Well the sun was right there and I COULD NOT see when the light was green. I was freaking out. I sat there trying to see the light for 5 minutes. Good thing no one was behind me. Also thanks to helpful drivers the sun was not in their faces and they helped me when it was my turn to go.

Loriloo310- Watch out for my younger sis that lives in West Valley. She is a terrible driver. She yells at people and cuts people off. She speeds and freaks out while she is driving. I will find out what car she drives and let you know. LOL! You might have seen her on the road and I am sure you might be talking about her when you talk about crazy drivers.

Just Me said...

I totally agree on all 5. I grew up in Utah and I hate how everyone drives. Turn signals are my pet peeve! I can't believe how many people don't use theirs or give a curtisy blink as they are 3/4 the way over. Drives me up the wall! My husband doesn't use his blinker until 2 sec before he lane changes and we fight about it all the time!

And on bangater I see people going through red lights all the time. I may make the yellow but the 6 cars behind me in all 4 lanes go through red, I just wish they would be hit just to teach a lesson.

And I totally know what you mean about the I-15 and I-215 exit ramp! They do it all the time!

Sometimes I wish I was a cop just to pull people over!